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We are creating the future of modern farming

Ladera Farms is an eco-friendly, solar powered hydroponics farm. We grow high quality herbs, vegetables, and catfish without soil. Located in Abuja, Nigeria, we are craftsmen with a vision to create a sustainable way of farming.

What we do

Embracing a more sustainable, efficient, and profitable way of cultivating crops.

We grow our herbs and vegetables in a nutrient-rich water solution, supported by an inert growing medium such as coconut peats & rockwool. Because our herbs & vegetables are grown in a controlled environment, this allows us to optimize conditions such as temperature, light, and nutrients which results in faster growth, higher yields, all year-round crop production regardless of climate conditions, reduced water usage & reduced need of chemicals & pesticides.

Our Vision

Our vision contributes to the achievement of the SDGs. To build Africa’s largest hydroponics farm running on purely renewable energy.


No Soil, No Limits


Our seeds are distributed mechanically to seed trays that have been prepared with growing media. These trays allow the seeds to get enough water and air to sprout out efficiently.

Shallow & Deep water culture

Our plants are grown in a nutrient-rich water solution with their roots suspended in the water. We use nutrient rich water supply from our fish farm. This water contains micro and macro nutrients plants need for their growth.

Vertical Farming

Our hyper-efficient technique of stacking multiple layers of numerous herbs & vegetables allows for growing rare and flavorful produce all year long.


Our fishes are are grown in a controlled environment, with their waste water being used as manure for our plants

why ladera farms?

We are growing smarter, greener and tastier produce with soil-free precision

We offer a sustainable approach to agriculture by conserving water and reducing the need for harmful pesticides. With precise nutrient delivery systems, water is recycled and reused, significantly minimizing water wastage.

One of the greatest advantages of hydroponics is the ability to grow crops year-round, regardless of seasonal limitations. By creating an optimized indoor environment, our hydroponic systems provide the ideal conditions for plant growth, allowing you to cultivate fresh produce even during off-seasons. 

Our solution is excellent for those with limited spaces. Vertical hydroponic setups maximize space utilization by growing plants in stacked layers, allowing you to grow more in a smaller footprint. Additionally, our hydroponic systems can be adapted to fit various environments, including urban areas, rooftops etc making it an ideal choice for urban farming.

With hydroponics, plants receive a precisely balanced supply of nutrients directly to their roots, resulting in faster and healthier growth. By optimizing growing conditions, it can lead to significantly higher yields compared to traditional soil-based methods.

Our hydroponics systems provide complete control over the growing environment, enabling growers to fine-tune factors such as temperature, humidity, lighting, and nutrient levels. This level of control ensures consistent crop quality, as plants receive the perfect balance of nutrients and optimal growing conditions. You can customize your hydroponic system to suit specific plant varieties, resulting in superior taste, texture, and nutritional value.

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